Thursday, September 16, 2010

8 Weeks

Holy Cow!! Nathan is 8 weeks old already!!! Where has the time gone? I was at my Doc's office today and I saw a woman leaving who had just left with a glow on her face and a new copy of What to Expect when your Expecting, and it was obvious that she was newly pregnant and this was her first doctor's appt. It made me rember that it wasn't that long ago when I had that same first visit and was filled with excitement about our baby. I can't belive how much has happened since then.

Well Nathan is doing just wonderful! His new thing that he wants to do is stand up. Before we used to play and visit with him on our lap, but now he just wants to stand, and he will even pick up his feet and step. I can't belive how strong he is!?! He is also sleeping really well at night (Thank God) Last night he slept 7 1/2hrs. He is also now in more of a schedual which makes life nice when you know when his naptime and bedtime is. When he's awake he will play by himself for about 5min at a time, but after that he's ready for some attention. Nathan is also not a fan of the bottle. Today while I was at my doc appt. Billy tried to feed him some of the milk I had pumped. It did not go well. Poor Nathan and Daddy were pretty frazzeled by the time I got home. I'm really hoping Nathan get's the hang of things when I go back to school and work, I hate for him to cry it breaks my heart.

Monday my school starts and I'm ready!! I've been getting a little stir crazy this last month. I have cleaned and organized everything in this house at least a dozen times, and I'm about burnt out on mindless romance novels. I'm just going to take some easy computer classes to get back into the swing of things, and then next quarter I'll start taking the hard classes again.

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