Thursday, May 5, 2011

Busy family

We have been so busy lately! I'm so glad that we took a nice vacation and had some quality family time, because the last two weeks have been hectic. I have spent most of my time studying. It is overwhelming how much time is needed for my classes, and I am just now starting to feel caught up. The time commitment of school has really made wonder if I am ready for Nursing School. I am definitely torn between wanting to be available as a wife and mother, and going after my career. Billy on the other hand has decided to start taking steps to get back into a law enforcement career. He has joined a gym in efforts to get back into peak physical shape so that he can pass even the most challenging fitness test required by most law enforcement agencies. I am very proud that we are working for a better future for our family. Nathan has been wonderful, sweet and funny as always, and is enjoying the extra time spent with his daddy. Since I am studying most of the time, Billy has stepped up, and is now taking care of most of Nathan's needs. I love to see them laugh and play together! I took Nathan into be weighed this week and he is now 19lbs 1oz, and 27 inches long. His favorite toy lately is his toy airplane that he can walk behind. He can climb up to it and walk behind it until he gets stuck, and then he grunts at you to turn it around so he can walk some more. Nathan also learned a new thing this week, his daddy taught him how to turn around and slid off the couch, which is much safer than him diving head first in order to get down.

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