Here is a picture of Nathan's Papa P (Billy's dad) Nathan definitely looks like his Papa!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Back To Work
Well tomarrow I start work again, and of course I come down with a cold today. Uggh! I feel miserable. I am so greatful for an easy baby, we just hung out in our jammies today and took a long nap. Being sick would be so much harder if I had a baby that was fussy all the time.
Nathan is really getting the hang of moving his arms and legs. It's really cute how he get's excited about something and just starts kicking away. He is also getting better at reaching for toys, and while he can't quite grab a hold of stuff yet he reaches for it and makes funny little grunting sounds. He also really likes songs. When I sing to him, he often joins in. Which is really neat because it's like he's figuring out the different sounds between just talking and singing, and he will carry his note longer when I sing.
Nathan is really getting the hang of moving his arms and legs. It's really cute how he get's excited about something and just starts kicking away. He is also getting better at reaching for toys, and while he can't quite grab a hold of stuff yet he reaches for it and makes funny little grunting sounds. He also really likes songs. When I sing to him, he often joins in. Which is really neat because it's like he's figuring out the different sounds between just talking and singing, and he will carry his note longer when I sing.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I am very greatful that Nathan is getting good at going to bed. After his bath, we nurse, play a little bit and then I tuck him in and he goes to sleep and usually he sleeps through the night. I feel very blessed to have such and easy, sweet baby.
Shots for the whole family
Length: 24.5 inches
Weight: 11 pounds, 12oz
Head: 15.5 inches
Nathan went in for his two month check up yesterday and is doing great! The doctor was really impressed how strong Nathan is and how alert he is and able to interact with people. It was kinda funny, I dressed Nathan in a cute outfit so that he would look nice for the doctor, and the first thing they did was ask us to take off all his clothes so the doc could check him out. Next time I won't worry so much about what he is wearing. Poor baby had to get 3 shots though, and boy did he scream! I am really glad I breastfeed, because it was an instant way to comfort him and cuddle him. He ran a little bit of a fever and was ouchy the rest of the day. Billy and I also got our flu shots and I got a tetanus shot too, so we all got poked.
Well Friday I go back to work and Grandma DeeDee and Papa P are going to babysit. I am very grateful that we have family to watch him, I would be so worried if I was dropping him off at a daycare center. Nathan is really attached to his swing at home, so Grandma and Papa went out and bought a super-duper deluxe swing for their house so that Nathan can be comfortable there too! A big THANK YOU! to Grandma and Papa Reece.
Weight: 11 pounds, 12oz
Head: 15.5 inches
Nathan went in for his two month check up yesterday and is doing great! The doctor was really impressed how strong Nathan is and how alert he is and able to interact with people. It was kinda funny, I dressed Nathan in a cute outfit so that he would look nice for the doctor, and the first thing they did was ask us to take off all his clothes so the doc could check him out. Next time I won't worry so much about what he is wearing. Poor baby had to get 3 shots though, and boy did he scream! I am really glad I breastfeed, because it was an instant way to comfort him and cuddle him. He ran a little bit of a fever and was ouchy the rest of the day. Billy and I also got our flu shots and I got a tetanus shot too, so we all got poked.
Well Friday I go back to work and Grandma DeeDee and Papa P are going to babysit. I am very grateful that we have family to watch him, I would be so worried if I was dropping him off at a daycare center. Nathan is really attached to his swing at home, so Grandma and Papa went out and bought a super-duper deluxe swing for their house so that Nathan can be comfortable there too! A big THANK YOU! to Grandma and Papa Reece.
Ranch Visit
We went to the ranch last sunday to visit and ride horses. Jack and Emma were sure cute riding around on their little ponies! and Billy looked like a handsome cowboy on his horse. There aren't any picture of me and my horse though because she decided to jump into a barb wire fence and we both got cut up...Ouch! (I went and got a tetnus shot yesterday)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Pajama Day
I am spending the day with my boys, and what a nice day it has been. We have just hung out in our jammies, took a nap and now I am making a big pot of Chicken Noodle soup (with veggies from our garden!)and choc chip cookies. I can't wait for Nathan to be old enough to make cookies with me. I have so many fond memories of baking with my mama.
Is it possible to fall more in love everyday? I feel so blessed that I have such a wonderful husband and the sweetest baby. Today is a good day!
P.S. I got an A on my first test!!
Is it possible to fall more in love everyday? I feel so blessed that I have such a wonderful husband and the sweetest baby. Today is a good day!
P.S. I got an A on my first test!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
A good night
Nathan slept 10hrs last night!!!! I want to sing from the roof top! We are going to have a good day today.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Big Foot
The only bad thing about being pregnant is that my feet have grown so much that I can't wear any of my shoes. I didn't really notice it that much because I have been wearing flip flops all summer, now that the weather is colder I am finding out that none of my shoes fit! Frustrating! I guess I know what I'll be asking Santa for Christmas LOl
2 Months
Nathan is 2 months old today! We are doing great this week. I started school this week and it's really great getting out of the house for a couple of hours. Nathan and Billy had a rough start at the begining of this week (Nathan does not like bottles) but I started feeding him right before I left and usually he sleeps the whole time I'm gone.
Nathan is really talking up a storm with all of his cooing. It's so cute! He is also now finally in 0-3mo clothes.
Nathan is really talking up a storm with all of his cooing. It's so cute! He is also now finally in 0-3mo clothes.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
8 Weeks
Holy Cow!! Nathan is 8 weeks old already!!! Where has the time gone? I was at my Doc's office today and I saw a woman leaving who had just left with a glow on her face and a new copy of What to Expect when your Expecting, and it was obvious that she was newly pregnant and this was her first doctor's appt. It made me rember that it wasn't that long ago when I had that same first visit and was filled with excitement about our baby. I can't belive how much has happened since then.
Well Nathan is doing just wonderful! His new thing that he wants to do is stand up. Before we used to play and visit with him on our lap, but now he just wants to stand, and he will even pick up his feet and step. I can't belive how strong he is!?! He is also sleeping really well at night (Thank God) Last night he slept 7 1/2hrs. He is also now in more of a schedual which makes life nice when you know when his naptime and bedtime is. When he's awake he will play by himself for about 5min at a time, but after that he's ready for some attention. Nathan is also not a fan of the bottle. Today while I was at my doc appt. Billy tried to feed him some of the milk I had pumped. It did not go well. Poor Nathan and Daddy were pretty frazzeled by the time I got home. I'm really hoping Nathan get's the hang of things when I go back to school and work, I hate for him to cry it breaks my heart.
Monday my school starts and I'm ready!! I've been getting a little stir crazy this last month. I have cleaned and organized everything in this house at least a dozen times, and I'm about burnt out on mindless romance novels. I'm just going to take some easy computer classes to get back into the swing of things, and then next quarter I'll start taking the hard classes again.
Well Nathan is doing just wonderful! His new thing that he wants to do is stand up. Before we used to play and visit with him on our lap, but now he just wants to stand, and he will even pick up his feet and step. I can't belive how strong he is!?! He is also sleeping really well at night (Thank God) Last night he slept 7 1/2hrs. He is also now in more of a schedual which makes life nice when you know when his naptime and bedtime is. When he's awake he will play by himself for about 5min at a time, but after that he's ready for some attention. Nathan is also not a fan of the bottle. Today while I was at my doc appt. Billy tried to feed him some of the milk I had pumped. It did not go well. Poor Nathan and Daddy were pretty frazzeled by the time I got home. I'm really hoping Nathan get's the hang of things when I go back to school and work, I hate for him to cry it breaks my heart.
Monday my school starts and I'm ready!! I've been getting a little stir crazy this last month. I have cleaned and organized everything in this house at least a dozen times, and I'm about burnt out on mindless romance novels. I'm just going to take some easy computer classes to get back into the swing of things, and then next quarter I'll start taking the hard classes again.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Every night after Nathan's bath I rub him down with oil and lotion, and from the day he was born he would scream at the top of his lungs every time I did this. He would get so mad that he would turn purple! Tonight was the first night that he actually enjoyed his massage. He was laughing and kicking and stretching. I had heard that it's really good for babies to get massages and up until this point he really hated being fussed over (he's like his father)so I'm glad he is finally enjoying all my motherly efforts.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Frito Boy
For a couple of weeks now I have been trying to get Nathan interested in either a rattle or one of his toys, trying to get him to focus on it or reach for it. Well today as i was snacking on some Frito chips I noticed him reaching for the bag (the bag makes a crinkle sound when you touch it) Nathan played with that bag for about 10minutes, laughing at it and reaching for it and staring at the bright colors. I guess when in doubt, grab a bag of chips LOL
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Milk Machine
As I sit here pumping milk for Nathan I can't help but feel sorry for cows. It takes me forever just to get 2oz and the poor cows have to fill up gallon size jugs! It would take me forever to fill a gallon! I even made up a song to sing while I pump that would make my Aunt Donna proud.... I call it Milk Machine.
After re-reading this entry I have decided that I have way too much time on my hands LOL
After re-reading this entry I have decided that I have way too much time on my hands LOL
Monday, September 6, 2010
Strong Boy
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Ready for school
I think I'm ready to start doing something again. I love being with Nathan, but I think I need something to stimulate my mind again. School starts on Sept. 20th, and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. Going back to work on the other hand is going to be a necessity that I'm not too thrilled about. I only want to work 2 days a week, and I'm hoping that Walmart won't hassle me about how little I want to work...they are weird that way. I always thought that I would love to be a stay at home mom, but to be honest it get's a little boring. Nathan is asleep most of the time so the only thing left to do is house work or read romance novels, both of which I have had my fill of.
Nathan did something kinda funny yesterday. You know how yawns are contagious, well I was really tired yesterday and yawned, and then Nathan did it too!
Nathan did something kinda funny yesterday. You know how yawns are contagious, well I was really tired yesterday and yawned, and then Nathan did it too!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
After several weeks of Nathan crying for 3hrs every night at bedtime I decided to start a bedtime routine. Usually we would start to try and put him to bed by 8-9pm and he would cry till midnight or 1am. I started doing a bath every night and then I wrap him up in a warm blanket that I have heated up in the dryer and then we nurse and then bedtime. For two weeks now we have been doing this new routine and now tonight finally he is asleep by 8pm and in his own bed!!! WAAHOO!!!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Big Boy
I had a visit with Erin my lactation consultant today, and she weighed Nathan for me, he has gained 3lbs! So he is now 10lbs 50z, I knew he had gained some weight but I thought it was only a pound. Knowing that he has gain so much makes me feel like I am doing a good job breast feeding. Erin also complemented Nathan and I on our technique, which also makes me feel really good. Most of the time when I am breast feeding I don't feel like I really know what I'm doing.
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