Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baby Shower

Yay! Today is my baby shower! I can't wait for all the fun, and see all the family. I just wish I could have slept last night.....UGH! I hate not sleeping.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

31 weeks

Went in for my baby check up today, and everything looks great! I only gained 2lbs in 3 weeks this time, which is better because I've really been trying to eat right, so it's good to see that my efforts are paying off. The doc checked out Nathan, and said everything looks good and he's right where he should be..Yay.

Childbirth class was really neat tonight, we had massage therapist come in a show us several different types of massage that are really nice for pregnant women. I am VERY greatfull that my husband is actually interested in helping me get comfortable. I think it's kinda weird that some of the guys don't take this class seriously.

2 day's till my baby shower, I'm very excited!!!

can't sleep

I HATE not being able to sleep like I used to. I have a feeling that those days are gone forever.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Tonight Billy and I were watching Jeopardy, when I had a memory of watching Jeopardy with my grandma and grandpa Hills and eating rootbeer floats. OMG I needed a rootbeer float! Thank God there is a store close by :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Getting Uncomfortable

Well we only have 9 weeks to go (hopefully) and I am getting BIG! I've noticed that it's harder to do things like putting on shoes and especially getting comfortable enough to sleep...Poor Billy, I have sooo many pillows on the bed there is hardly room for him :(

We are really liking our childbirth classes and are learning lot's of usefull info, hopefully we remember some of it when the time comes! Last week I learned that I DEFINETLY do not want a C section! OUCH!

Nathan is doing good, and moving alot. I feel his butt and knees and feet alot since he is head down, Oh yea and I really feel that big head on my bladder when he gets to moving around.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

sick of being sick

I've been really sick for about 4 days now, and what's worse is I can't sleep! UggH! I feel sorry for Billy I am not a very nice person when I'm sick and I get cranky when I don't get enough sleep. Double Whammy! Billy should get husband of the year after this passes.

Well Nathan is 17in long and 3lbs, I just learned a really cool thing...he is forming teeth buds..Cute :) My belly has definetly taken on a life of it's own, jiggling and moving all the time.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

28 Weeks

Well Nathan is now 16in from head to toe, I measured it out and it is the length from my elbow to the tips of my fingers...Holy cow thats some baby!!! He's moving alot, and he alway seems to know when his daddy is rubbing my belly, because he move's towards the rubbing, and he doesn't do that when i rub him :)

We started getting in the habit of reading Nathan bedtime stories. Billy and I both read him our favorite childrens stories, Mine is Goodnight Moon and Billy's is Where the wild things are. Both Billy and I love to read, I hope we can pass our love for books down to Nathan.

We finally got a dresser for Nathan(Thank you Joel and Keri), but it needs a little sprucing up. So today we are going to buy some paint and new knobs and give it some color. Also today we are going to buy all the veggies for our little garden. I'm really excited were doing a garden again this summer, because I love fresh veggies, and I seem to crave them more now that I'm pregnant. I will be nice just to have them right out our back door.