Sunday, February 28, 2010

19 Weeks

Oh my belly! My tummy has grown 5 inches this month!!!!

I feel little kicks, the baby curling into a ball, and little cool!

I feel great and i'm eating more than ever, thank god my appitite is back.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

18 weeks

Yeah! we are officially starting our 5th month :) I feel great except for blinding headaches, monster leg cramps, and the nausea that i don't think is ever really going to go away. But the sun is shining and it feels like spring is coming :) I can't wait to get out and dig in my garden. Last year there was still 3ft of snow on the ground and it was freezing cold. But now it is so warm and pretty, I just love it! Sunshine puts me in a great mood :)

Had to go pants shopping this week because nothing fits! I have lost 25lbs since the wedding, so my fat jeans are too big, and my skinny jeans just aren't that comfortable with this little baby belly. So i got two pairs of pants and two pairs of capri's that are stretchy cotton with a draw string, so i will be comfy and still have clothes that fit.

This week the baby is 5 1/2 inches long (almost the length of my hand) is now yawning and hiccuping (still can't feel it) and now has developed it's own unique fingerprints...that's cool :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

17 weeks

Had a great week! It was my birthday and we had a nice party with lot's of friends and family over. My best present this week was being able to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time :) So cool!

I still feel good. I think I'm getting over the morning sickness (for the most part) and I'm not as exhausted anymore. I have been getting really horrible headaches though, I can tell my vision is changing (thanks hormones) and from what I understand my vision could keep changing until the baby's born so it would do no good to get new glasses.

This week the baby's ear bones are forming so it can now hear us talking! And in the past two weeks my belly has grown 3 inches~I can't wait to see how big it's going to get :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

16 weeks

I'm definitely getting a baby bump :) Billy says it looks like a beer belly, but he's just being silly. I feel good, a bit hormonal last week, but I'm doing better now. "The book" says that I'm supposed to be least I can blame it on the hormones.

The shots are getting easier, still twice a day, and Billy has to give them to me. Oh well better than the alternative....

This week "The book" says that the baby is 4-5 inches and it's eyes are starting to work. So it can see light and move it's eyes side to side...kinda neat :) Also it's face is now all formed and in the right spot, including eyelashes and eyebrows.

Monday, February 1, 2010


I am an emotional rollercoaster. I think I should stay away from people, it's not safe.